Maternity Agency

Maternity Agency | Homeasy

Home-Maid Employment Services (Employment Agency License No.: 63965), is a subsidiary to Homeasy. We provide professional and attentive maternity services for families welcoming new lives. Our maternity helpers are professionally trained and with extensive experience.

Women experience various physiological changes during the 10 months of pregnancy. They need time to adapt the change and adjust their body conditions after giving birth. During this period, it is extremely important to hire an experienced maternity helper. The helper can prepare appropriate meals according to the physical condition of the mother. In addition to allowing the mother to recover as soon as possible, it will also be of great benefit to her future health.
In terms of babies, besides teaching the mother the skills of taking care of the baby, the helper will also share her insights and experiences.


Answering common prenatal questions, Teaching knowledge and experience of baby care, Preparing nutritious meals and nourishing soups and stews, Guiding how to breastfeed/recognize baby crying/handle lochia, Relieving postpartum emotions, etc.


Feeding, Changing diapers, Bathing, Cleaning the umbilical cord, Washing baby clothes/bottles, Accompanying mothers and babies to nursing homes for physical examinations and injections, etc.

* This is for reference only. The actual work is discussed by mother and maternity helper.

Clear price

The salary of the maternity helper is clearly stated in the contract. Client pays the helper directly.

No tricks

We will arrange free-of-charge interviews for clients and maternity helpers and will provide detailed information (including work experience and required salary, etc.) of maternity helpers for clients in advance.

01.Phone/Internet Inquiry

We will arrange to respond to various inquiries within one day.

02.Choosing the right maternity helper

After understanding the requirements, we will send the information of suitable maternity helpers and their request salary to client. After reading, client can select some helpers for interview.

03.Confirmation of a maternity helper (Signing Contract)

As soon as client confirms to hire a specific helper after the interviews, we will arrange the two parties to sign a contract to ensure that the helper reserves her time for the service. Meanwhile, client needs to pay part of the service fee in advance as a deposit for the helper.

04. Follow-up (while the maternity service is in progress)

The helper will provide maternity services within the service period stipulated in the contract. We will follow up on the performance of the helper, so as to improve the service quality. If client needs to replace the helper, we will try to arrange it.

05.Complementary Services

We help match babysitters or overseas helpers with your family (Maternity clients can enjoy 50% discount in our overseas helper agency service, which is valid for 12 months). If necessary, please notify us in advance.

Daily Working Hours Monthly Salary (HK$)
6 Hours (Monday to Friday) $9,000 up
8-10 Hours (Monday to Friday) $12,000 up
24 Hours Please contact us.

* The above fees are for reference only. Each maternity helper will determine the fee based on their own experience and the condition of the service. The final fee will be finalized after the meeting between the helper and client.
* Service fee includes labor insurance.


懷孕初期 ~ 安胎益氣


功效: 補益脾胃,利水消腫,適合妊娠期間面目四肢浮腫,口淡而食慾不振者選用。


懷孕中期 ~ 安胎養腎


功效: 中醫認為桑寄生擅於「益血安胎」,對婦女妊娠期間的腰痛也有良好治療效果。<本草經>說它主要有治腰痛、安胎、充肌膚、堅髮齒、益養肝腎的作用。


懷孕後期 ~ 健脾開胃


功效: 補益脾胃,利水消腫,適合妊娠期間面目四肢浮腫,口淡而食慾不振者選用。


產後湯水 ~ 補氣益血


功效: 補氣益血,特別適合產後出血過多、症見頭暈神疲、臉色蒼白者服用。


剖腹產分娩 ~ 補血、補肝腎


功效: 滋補強壯身體,薑有驅風作用


剖腹產分娩 ~ 滋補、驅風


功效: 養血止血作用,也可滋陰添精、潤肺健脾。其中花膠富含的膠原蛋白和多種維生素,特別能彌補女士氣血不足。
* 以上湯水可作參考之用,飲用前請先向醫生查詢是否適合個人體質。
懷孕初期 ~ 害喜不適,減輕害喜的方法有哪些?


  1. 每餐都不要吃太多,要少量多餐比較好
  2. 飲食要清淡
  3. 要注意水分補充,多喝水或果汁,以防脫水
  4. 想防止夜間空腹容易想吐,可於睡前可以吃一點清淡的食物
  5. 保持心情愉快,過分謹慎小心,害喜反而會更嚴重
懷孕中期 ~ 腰痛,減少腰痛的方法有哪些?


  1. 坐下或站立時,上身要挺直,不要向前彎曲
  2. 坐在椅上時腰要緊貼椅背,不要坐太有彈性的椅子
  3. 體重要調節,太重會增加腰部負擔
  4. 不要將手伸過頭部取物,從而避免使腰部肌肉緊張
  5. 亦可按摩腰部肌肉使它放鬆
懷孕後期 ~ 抽筋,防止腳抽筋的方法有哪些?


  1. 要令下半身的血液循環,可考慮把鞋子脫掉,將腿放到椅子上
  2. 做腳和腳踝旋轉的練習或不時搓揉按摩小腿和大腿
  3. 最好還是要穿有彈性的鬆緊束褲