One-third of our life is spent in bed, and hence bed is so important to us. But have you ever cleaned your mattress? Or want to clean it but never know how? Some studies have pointed out that there may be 100,000 to 200,000 dust mites hidden in a mattress, feeding on the dander, nails, hair, etc of human and animals. Their corpses and excrement can sensitize humans. If people who are prone to allergies come into contact with dust mites, symptoms such as asthma, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, allergic conjunctivitis, and atopic dermatitis, etc may be induced.
The activity of dust mite under the microscope
Professional Service
Professional Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner & Thermostar Steam Machine will be used in our service to remove allergens such as dust mites, perform deep clean and removes different kinds of odors. The service can help to fight: