Technology from Japan
(JPO Patent No.: 3514702 2004.1.23; IPD Patent Ref: HK1116125)
Developed in Japan, CT Catalyst has the functions of decomposing carcinogenic VOCs, antibacterial, anti-mold, deodorizing and self-cleaning.
It has been imported from Japan with honorable awards and received great appreciations from the local government. It was being awarded with 2008 Yellow Ribbon Medal from Japanese Tenno, 2005 Thing Structure Japan Grand-Prix Prize for an Excellent Work from Japan Ministry of Economy, 2005 appreciated by Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology and 2004 29th Japan Invention Rewards.
CT Catalyst particles are as fine as 300nm diameter in average. By using CT Spray Coating Technique, the particles are evenly distributed on the surface of furniture, walls and every drawer as well, which allows them to fully perform in oxidation and reduction so as to eliminate the VOCs inside the flat rapidly.